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S side of Prutas, which falls into the Govedji Do basin (around 2000m), is most dramatic. Here numerous layered plates, several hundred meters high and perpendicular, make very interesting south face.

On the other hand W side which rises steeply above Todorov Do basin (around 1850m) is the most beautiful. It contains beautiful parallel white limestone cliffs that extend from the foot to the summit, several hundred meters. These cliffs are called Prutovi which is plural of the word Prut which means a twig or branch, such as those of which baskets are made. Prutas got its name after them, a mountain made of twigs.


As said in intro section of this chapter Prutas is very popular peak and is approached by three marked paths: from Dobri Do (2:15h), from Todorov Do (1:30h) and from Skrka valley (2h). This doesn’t seam much but Prutas is quite remote peak of Durmitor, far from the Zabljak town, which is gateway to visit Durmitor. What made Prutas easily accessible is Zabljak – Virak – Trsa macadam road, which passes along the southern and western foot of Prutas. Dobri Do and Todorov Do trailheads are on the road and from Dobri Do also Skrka valley is only 2:30h away. zBut in winter, when road is not cleaned of snow, this becomes remotest and most difficult corner of Durmitor to access. In winter probably very few people reach the summit of Prutas.


Panorama from the summit of Prutas is amazing! From here it is most beautiful view of Skrka Valley and highest peak of Durmitor, Bobotov Kuk, which rules on the other side of the valley, on the NE. Also very close is colorful Stit with its amazing twisted layers of limestone cliffs, on the E. On the N is Susica canyon and Ljubisnja mountain farther away. On the S are vast grassy plateaus and basins of Durmitor closed by elegant Sedlena Greda and picturesque ridges of Boljska Greda and Lojanik. Further away is Vojnik mountain and on clear days views spreads far south, ell the way to Orjen massif and the Adriatic coast. On the W are even larges grassy plateaus of Pivska Planina. Behind it is beautiful group of mountains led by Bioc and Maglic, highest peak of Bosnia & Herzegovina.


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Although Prutas (read Prutash) occupies ‘only’ 9th spot on the list of highest peaks of Durmitor it certainly is one of the trademark peaks of the massif. Prutas is one of the most beautiful, most popular and certainly the largest of Durmitor peaks. It has four completely different sides, each one being very beautiful.

From its summit one of the most beautiful Durmitor panoramas spread upon the probably most beautiful corner of Durmitor, Skrka valley. Prutas is full of superlatives and rightfully so. If you are visiting Durmitor don’t miss Prutas, one of three ‘a must visit’ peaks of the massif (the other two would be Bobotov Kuk and Medjed).


Prutas is placed in the western part of southern central Durmitor. It ascends high above its surroundings and dominates the area. On the N is Gruda (2302m), from which it is separated by Ilin Do (2230m) pass. Gruda and Prutas in way make southern end of the crest that makes western side of Susica river canyon (read Sushica).


Over the Ilin Do pass western approach from Todorov Do leads.

On the NE is amazing Skrka valley (read Shkrka) with its two famous lakes; Veliko & Malo Skrcko Jezero (Big & Small Skrka Lake). More about it is in section below. Above the valley Prutas rises very steeply, some 700m. Side is made of layered cliffs with grassy terraces.


On the E very steep grassy slopes of Prutas descend into the Prutaski Do (2007m) basin, which is one ‘floor’ above the Skrka valley. Further towards east Prutaski Do falls with belt of cliffs into the eastern part of Skrka valley. ~~> Through the Prutaski Do and over the eastern side northern approach from the Skrka valley leads.


Towards SE Prutas sends a narrow and panoramic ridge which separates Skrka valley from the grassy terraces and plateau on the southern side of central Durmitor. Lowest point of the ridge is Skrcko Zdrijelo (2114m), a narrow pass (read (Shkrchko Zhdrijelo). SE of the pass is Stit (2248m) (read Shtit), probably most beautiful peak on Durmitor and bit distant neighbor of Prutas. ~~> Over the Skrcko Zdrijelo pass southern approach from Dobri Do leads.

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